10 April 2006 by Published in: Civil War books and authors 5 comments

In response to yesterday’s post, reader Dave Kelly wrote, in part, “You’ve been off for 5 days. Figured Savas had you electricity cut off and your house surrounded so he could go to press without another stop.” While Dave was obviously jesting when he wrote that, the point actually was well-taken, and I thought I would offer an explanation for the uncharacteristically long spell of silence.

Last week, I posted about the horrific nightmare that we faced in trying to fix bollixed-up notes for one of the chapters that happened when our researcher waited until the last possible second to get us new material, and we had to plug it into our manuscript when it was already in the page galley stage. Quite a bit of the especially useful new material went into the third chapter, which deals with Corbit’s Charge in Westminster, MD. It really fleshed out the chapter. Ted did his best to shoehorn the stuff in, but his efforts to do so meant that the notes to that chapter–85 of them–were completely and totally FUBAR’ed (for those not familiar with the acronym FUBAR, I suggest you look here for the definition). I had to spend the major part of day re-working those, and JD took another seven hours fixing this stuff, too.

In short, I spent most of those five days getting the bugs ironed out of the Stuart’s Ride manuscript, and also with work-related stuff. As a result of the intense frustration toward our researcher for putting us into that situation, being tired from concentrating, and the normal things of every day life that interfere with my hobbies, I simply didn’t have the motivation, time, or wherewithal to blog.

Thanks to Susan, I got to sleep in yesterday for the first time since the puppy came home, and I finally started feeling less sleep deprived and more alert yesterday for the first time in ages. We’ll see how long that lasts.

In the meantime, the Stuart’s Ride manuscript is now complete, and Ted’s proofreader is finishing up his work on it. Then, it goes to the History Book Club for consideration for a selection of the month. More on that as the process goes along.

Finally, Ted told me today that the copies of my Monroe’s Crossroads book had hit the warehouse, so it will be available for purchase in a day or two. Yahoo!!!!

Scridb filter


  1. Eamon Honan
    Mon 10th Apr 2006 at 8:00 pm

    Keep fighting the good fight. If it’s any consolation I’ve already pre flogged a copy to one of my more ardent regulars as well as an entire run of the EW back catalogue. The chap wants to read your book old bean.

  2. Mon 10th Apr 2006 at 8:07 pm

    Thanks, Eamon. I really appreciate it, and please tell your regular that I appreciate him, too. 🙂


  3. Andy
    Tue 11th Apr 2006 at 9:31 am

    Eric, congrats on the book. I will order my copy this week. Could you provide some insight on your experience in using paid researchers. I have never done this so I am unfamiler with the process.


  4. Tue 11th Apr 2006 at 11:51 am


    I would be happy to do so. I think that will be today’s entry, so check back later.

    And thanks!


  5. Lee White
    Tue 11th Apr 2006 at 7:54 pm

    Good to hear about the books, got to get my act in gear and finish the intro for the letters I have been editing.

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