06 November 2007 by Published in: General musings 1 comment

I vigorously disagree with the politics of these authors. I particularly loathe the bozos that wrote the book that led to the swift boating of John Kerry in 2004 for subjecting us to another four years of corrupt incompetence, outright lies, and high crimes and misdemeanors by a regime that has done more harm to this country than any other in history. While I’m probably long overdue for a good anti-Bush rant, that’s not the purpose of this particular blog post.

As an author, I support the idea of writing for a profit and I support the idea of writers being paid for the fruits of their labors, even labors I despise, as I do these. This article appeared in today’s edition of The New York Times:

Conservative Authors Sue Publisher

Published: November 7, 2007
Five authors have sued the parent company of Regnery Publishing, a Washington imprint of conservative books, charging that the company deprives its writers of royalties by selling their books at a steep discount to book clubs and other organizations owned by the same parent company.

In a suit filed in United States District Court in Washington yesterday, the authors Jerome R. Corsi, Bill Gertz, Lt. Col. Robert (Buzz) Patterson, Joel Mowbray and Richard Miniter state that Eagle Publishing, which owns Regnery, “orchestrates and participates in a fraudulent, deceptively concealed and self-dealing scheme to divert book sales away from retail outlets and to wholly owned subsidiary organizations within the Eagle conglomerate.”

Some of the authors’ books have appeared on the New York Times best-seller list, including “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” by Mr. Corsi and John E. O’Neill (who is not a plaintiff in the suit), Mr. Patterson’s “Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Security” and Mr. Miniter’s “Shadow War: The Untold Story of How Bush Is Winning the War on Terror.” In the lawsuit the authors say that Eagle sells or gives away copies of their books to book clubs, newsletters and other organizations owned by Eagle “to avoid or substantially reduce royalty payments to authors.”

The authors argue that in reducing royalty payments, the publisher is maximizing its profits and the profits of its parent company at their expense.

“They’ve structured their business essentially as a scam and are defrauding their writers,” Mr. Miniter said in an interview, “causing a tremendous rift inside the conservative community.”

Traditionally, authors receive a 15 percent royalty based on the cover price of a hardcover title after they have sold enough copies to cover the cost of the advance they receive upon signing a contract with a publisher. (Authors whose books are sold at steep discounts or to companies that handle remaindered copies receive lower royalties.)

In Regnery’s case, according to the lawsuit, the publisher sells books to sister companies, including the Conservative Book Club, which then sells the books to members at discounted prices, “at, below or only marginally above its own cost of publication.” In the lawsuit the authors say they receive “little or no royalty” on these sales because their contracts specify that the publisher pays only 10 percent of the amount received by the publisher, minus costs — as opposed to 15 percent of the cover price — for the book.

Mr. Miniter said that meant that although he received about $4.25 a copy when his books sold in a bookstore or through an online retailer, he only earned about 10 cents a copy when his books sold through the Conservative Book Club or other Eagle-owned channels. “The difference between 10 cents and $4.25 is pretty large when you multiply it by 20,000 to 30,000 books,” Mr. Miniter said. “It suddenly occurred to us that Regnery is making collectively jillions of dollars off of us and paying us a pittance.” He added: “Why is Regnery acting like a Marxist cartoon of a capitalist company?”

In an e-mail statement, Bruce W. Sanford, a lawyer with Baker Hostetler, a Washington firm representing Eagle and Regnery, said: “No publisher in America has a more acute marketing sense or successful track record at building promotional platforms for books than Regnery Publishing. These disgruntled authors object to marketing strategies used by all major book publishers that have proved successful time and again as witnessed by dozens of Regnery bestsellers.”

The authors also say in the lawsuit that Regnery donates books to nonprofit groups affiliated with Eagle Publishing and gives the books as incentives to subscribers to newsletters published by Eagle. The authors say they do not receive royalties for these books.

“You get 10 per cent of nothing because they basically give them away,” Mr. Patterson said in an interview.

The authors argue that because at least a quarter and as much as half of their book sales are diverted to nonretail channels, sales figures of their books on Nielsen BookScan, which tracks about 70 percent of retail sales but does not reflect sales through book clubs and other outlets used by Eagle, are artificially low. Publishers use these figures when determining future book deals, and the authors argue that actions by Eagle and Regnery have long-term effects on their careers.

Mr. Miniter said that when he was negotiating a book deal with Threshold Editions, a conservative imprint of Simon & Schuster, he could have gotten a higher advance if BookScan reflected the true quantity of sales of his books.

According to BookScan, Mr. Miniter’s “Shadow War” sold 46,000 copies in hardcover, and “Losing Bin Laden” sold 36,000 copies in hardback.

Mr. Miniter, who spearheaded the legal action, said he became aware of the discrepancies in royalty payments while defending a separate arbitration initiated by Regnery over a canceled contract. Mr. Miniter said that during the arbitration, which is pending, he saw royalty statements in which it appeared that about half his books’ sales had not gone through stores, and that his payments for those sales were much lower than the payments for bookstore sales. He contacted other Regnery authors and learned that they saw similar patterns on their royalty statements.

Joel Mowbray, author of “Dangerous Diplomacy: How the State Department Threatens America’s Security,” said he was particularly disappointed in Regnery and Eagle because they had so championed conservative authors. “These guys created the conservative book market,” Mr. Mowbray said. “Before them, conservatives were having to fight, generally unsuccessfully, to get books published.”

The authors, who say in the lawsuit that Eagle has been “unjustly enriched well in excess of one million dollars,” are seeking unspecified damages. But Mr. Miniter said, “We’re not looking for a payoff; we’re looking for justice.”

There are certainly plenty of opportunities for publishers to really manipulate the payment of royalties to their authors. While I despise what these men write and what they did to this country, I do hope that they get what they’re entitled to if they got screwed out of royalties they were entitled to.

Scridb filter


  1. Dave Powell
    Wed 07th Nov 2007 at 7:46 am

    You do like to get the locals charged up, don’t you, Eric.:)

    Having read a fair amount of the authors’ work, I agree that they are dispicable. Have they done more harm the Bin Ladin? That might be over the top.:) I think in the long run they have clearly had a hand in attacking the US Consitution, however, and that is pretty disturbing.

    That said, Regnary/Eagle has been doing this for years, in order to manipulate the “sales” figures. By inflating the raw numbers through such give-aways, they can push thier books onto various best-seller lists and thus get better placement/media buzz for the next title.

    Personally, I think the five authors are not bright enough to realize that the Bookscan numbers are more likely to reflect their real sales potential, so that Regnery’s manipulations have probably actually helped them in the long run, by grossly inflating their sales potential and getting them into places that a more traditional model would never see them reach.

    The other thing I don’t get is why they are so shocked, all of a sudden. Regnery has been doing this since the 1980s. The whole industry and interested outsiders have known of it for years. It has not been a secret, and Regnery has often complained that trackers like Bookscan omit too many of their alternate sales and grossly underinflate their numbers. Seems to me the authors have been remarkably obtuse for all these years, to suddenly ‘discover’ this now.:)

    Regnery, BTW, was the original US Publisher of Von Mainstein’s and Hans Spiedel’s Memoirs, so they have a long association with publishing Fascism.:)

    Dave Powell

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