Developer Matt Raymond dropped me a line a few weeks back to let me know that he was completing development of a nifty Civil War app for the iPad, and I told him that when it’s ready, he should let me know, and I would pass along the information about it here on the blog. Matt let me know that the app is not only ready, but that it has actually launched. Here’s the press release:
“HISTORY 3D” iPad App Offers Historic 3D Photos in Honor of Civil War Anniversary
“HISTORY 3D” iPad app offers historic 3D photos in honor of Civil War anniversary; images to be donated to Library of Congress, public domain.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) April 11, 2011
A new iPad app available today in the App Store offers an exciting and immersive experience for enthusiasts of history and 3D images, but it also provides a gift to the nation.
Launched to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War on April 12, “HISTORY 3D: Civil War” is the first in a series of iPad apps that will offer scores of photos in 3D anaglyph format (red/cyan) for viewers to explore. It is expected that hundreds of anaglyphs will be created during the development of successive apps.
The photographs come exclusively from the collections of the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, which holds tens of thousands of stereographic images. Most of the images are derived from the original glass-plate negatives of photography legends such as Mathew Brady, Alexander Gardner, Timothy O’Sullivan and George N. Barnard.
While the newly created anaglyphs, which combine the original left and right halves of stereographs, could conceivably be copyrighted, they instead will be donated to the Library of Congress, free of charge, for release into the public domain and eventual display online. The Library is planning to display selected images on its website and its popular Flickr page.
HISTORY 3D was conceived by Matt Raymond, who until recently was communications director at the Library of Congress and is credited with helping spearhead the Library’s leading role in social media among government agencies and cultural institutions. It was developed along with Mike Silvers of, an iPhone and iPad development company in Salisbury, Md.
“Many of the iconic Civil War images in the Library of Congress have been familiar to me and millions of other people in 2D, but the added dimension of HISTORY 3D makes it feel like you’re seeing them for the first time,” Raymond said. “Your iPad is now your time machine.”
“HISTORY 3D: Civil War” is available in the App Store for 99 cents through April 16 (the week of the aforementioned anniversary of the start of the Civil War), after which time the price will be $1.99.
Two dozen iconic images are presented in a page-turner format, along with pop-up context and commentary, are included. Additional sets of images focusing on key Civil War battles and topics, and other major historical events, will also be released.
HISTORY 3D will also take part in the App Store’s Volume Purchase Program, which offers discounts to educational institutions.
“During my time at the Library of Congress, I saw the power of primary-source materials in getting young people more excited about and engaged with history in ways that text books couldn’t match,” Raymond said.
“I hope HISTORY 3D’s innovative presentation of these remarkable photographs will spark curiosity about our nation’s past, and help us see that ‘history’ and ‘fun’ don’t have to be mutually exclusive.”
HISTORY 3D is not an official app of the Library of Congress.
1 (888) 377-7754
Then last night, Matt let me know that the new app is already the second highest ranked app in the education store. Congratulations, Matt!
Check this nifty little application out, iPad users!
Scridb filterComments are closed.
Thank you for the mention!
We’re trying to price the app as low as possible and still allow us to keep moving forward, especially because education about the Civil War and U.S. history in general are so important to us. (For instance, we’re participating in a discount program for educational institutions.) And we have a list of improvements and ways to make the app even more useful and accessible that is as long as my arm, and I’m a pretty tall guy.
Your readers are the first ones I’m telling this to, but our current plans for the next app are to focus specifically on Antietam, then we want to move to other battles and Civil War topics. (I thought about going chronologically but decided against it for a variety of reasons.)
The current app was sort of an “app”-etizer, if you will, to provide an overview of what we’re going to offer before going deeper into the content.
Again, thanks for helping get out the word!
–Matt Raymond