Today, the CWPT issued the following press release, announcing yet another preservation victory:
Dear Friend,
Just as I was able to write to you recently about our triumph in saving 643 acres at Davis Bridge, Tennessee, I now have the privilege to let you know that CWPT has successfully raised our portion of the matching grant to help save 178 absolutely key acres at Port Republic, Virginia!
Partnering with the Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation (SVBF), we are helping to buy the development rights and preserve forever 178 acres at Stonewall Jackson’s final battle of the 1862 Valley Campaign.
Of the total $420,000 cost, the SVBF is putting in $140,000 of the price, the Commonwealth of Virginia is putting in $140,000, and we have applied for an additional federal grant of $98,000…meaning CWPT’s final $42,000 has sealed the deal. This is a $10-to-$1 match of your donation dollar.
Good economy…bad economy…ANY economy…this was a great opportunity to save significant land at a vitally important battlefield. I hope you agree.
I also hope that you will take a look at the other on-going preservation fights we are engaged in, and will help to the extent you can, so we can achieve even more victories! Thank you for your tremendous dedication, incredible support and wonderful generosity.
Sincerely yours,
Jim Lighthizer
I’ve never been particularly interested in Jackson’s Valley Campaign for a variety of reasons, but I’m always thrilled when important battlefield land is preserved. Whoever put this particular deal together did a great job of finding government grant money for the bulk of the purchase, which is the best way to do these deals.
Once again, kudos to Jim Lighthizer and his excellent staff for their good work. Keep it up, guys.
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They’ve been doing a great job of finding matching funds here lately. Very glad to hear of this.
A great preservation victory for northeastern Ohio. At Port Republic, Federal troops were led by General Erastus Tyler, a native of Ravenna. The acquisition preserves the most important part of the field including most of the area where the 7th and 29th Ohio, which were recruited in northeastern Ohio, slugged it out with almost twice their number of Confederates and suffered heavy losses before being forced to retreat. Kudos to the CWPT for another impressive victory.
P.S. The Portage County Historical Society recently published Tyler’s wartime letters to his brother in law which may include information on Monocacy as Tyler led two regiments of 100 day recruits in defending the Jug Bridge. Thought you might be interested in light of your upcoming book.
Thank you very much for the tip. I’m going to order a copy tomorrow.
Good stuff.