12 December 2007 by Published in: Civil War books and authors 7 comments

A few minutes ago, I got off the phone with Dan Hoisington, the head honcho at Edinborough Press. At the suggestion of two friends, Bill Christen and fellow blogger Jim Schmidt, I submitted the Dahlgren bio manuscript to Dan. After making some revisions suggested by Steve Sears, I resubmitted a couple of pieces of the book, and Dan just informed me that he has accepted it for publication.

That’s great news. My research indicates that Dan, who has a master’s degree in history, is extremely selective about what he takes. He only puts out about four books per year, but all are quality works by good authors, and I’m flattered to have my work considered as such, particularly since I know that there are a lot of aspects of this book that are guaranteed to trigger controversy. Dan also puts out an aesthetically pleasing book, so I know that the production values will be good, too.

Most importantly, Dan shares my view of how to market and sell books. Consequently, I feel very comfortable with having the book placed there and knowing that Dan will be selling it.

For those interested, it looks like the book will have a spring 2009 release date, since Dan’s plate for 2008 is already full, in part with Jim Schmidt’s first book, which is scheduled for release in the spring.

Thanks to all for the support you’ve shown this project, as I’ve wrestled my way through it.

Scridb filter


  1. Wed 12th Dec 2007 at 4:27 pm


    Congratulations! Welcome to the “family”! I think we are also going to find Dan a good friend in supporting historic preservation as he is also a successful consultant in that arena. I’m anxious to see the biography in print.

    Best Wishes for Continued Success,


  2. Wed 12th Dec 2007 at 4:32 pm

    Congratulations Eric! Great news!

    And thanks by the way for adding wigwags to your blogroll. I’ve been getting a lot of traffic.

    Continued success!

    Rene Tyree

  3. Wed 12th Dec 2007 at 6:51 pm

    Thanks, guys. Much obliged.

    And Rene, you’re very welcome. I have a soft spot for that military history program at AMU, having taught in it for several years.


  4. Valerie Protopapas
    Wed 12th Dec 2007 at 7:15 pm

    Congratulations, Eric! I was sure that the Dahlgren book would be published by someone worthy of the work. I’m glad to see I was right (for a change!). Oh, and by the way, a little controversy is hardly a bad thing. I notice that ‘controversial’ tomes are usually snapped up to be read and debated by those interested in the subject. I simple recitation of what everyone seems to know and with which everyone seems to agree is not exactly the sort of book that flies off the shelves! Let’s hope that the controversy inspires new insights and interest in the subject.

  5. Steve Basic
    Thu 13th Dec 2007 at 2:04 am


    Great news, and am glad the book found a home. 🙂


  6. Thu 13th Dec 2007 at 11:13 am

    Great news, buddy – glad to see that Dan is taking it on!

    I anticipate finally seeing it in print.


  7. Thu 13th Dec 2007 at 7:58 pm

    Congratulations! That’s excellent news.
    Spring 2009 – perhaps someone will give it to me as a graduation present!

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